1. What is the Notice and why should I read it?

    A court has preliminarily established, or “certified,” this case as a class action lawsuit for purposes of settlement.

    The Notice explains the class action lawsuit, the proposed Settlement, your legal rights, what benefits are available, who is eligible for the benefits, and how to get the benefits. If you are a Settlement Class Member, you have legal rights and options before the Court decides whether to give final approval to the proposed Settlement. The Notice explains all of these things. For the precise terms and conditions of the Settlement, please review the Settlement Agreement, available here.

    The Court in charge of this case is the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The lawsuit is known as In re fairlife Milk Products Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation, MDL No. 2909, Lead Case No. 1:19-cv-03924-RMD-MDW.

    To view a copy of the Notice, click here.

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  2. What is this lawsuit about?

    The lawsuit alleges that Defendants falsely labeled and marketed certain dairy products using milk produced from cows that were allegedly not treated humanely. The Named Plaintiffs allege that they would not have paid as much for the Milk Products had they known that the cows were not treated humanely.

    Based upon those allegations, the Named Plaintiffs asserted claims for, among other things, breach of express and implied warranty, unjust enrichment, common law fraud, intentional and negligent misrepresentation, and violations of certain state consumer protection, false advertising, and unfair competition statutes.

    Defendants deny all allegations. The Court has not decided who is right.

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  3. What is a class action?

    In a class action lawsuit, one or more persons or entities called named plaintiffs sue on behalf of other persons and entities that have similar claims. The people and entities together are a “Settlement Class” or “Settlement Class Members.” In this lawsuit, the people who sued are called the “Named Plaintiffs.” The company and people they are suing, The Coca-Cola Company, fairlife, LLC, Fair Oaks Farms, LLC, Mike McCloskey and Sue McCloskey, and Select Milk Producers, Inc., are called the “Defendants.” One court resolves the issues for everyone in the Settlement Class, except for those people who choose to exclude themselves (Opt Out) from the Settlement Class.

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  4. Why is there a settlement?

    The Court has not decided in favor of the Named Plaintiffs or the Defendants. Instead, both sides agreed to a settlement. By agreeing to settle, both sides avoid the cost and risk of a trial, and Settlement Class Members who submit a valid Claim Form will get a Cash Award. The Named Plaintiffs and Class Counsel believe the Settlement is best for the Settlement Class and represents a fair, reasonable and adequate resolution of the Litigation.

    The Defendants deny the claims in the Litigation; deny all allegations of wrongdoing, fault, liability or damage to the Named Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class; and deny that they acted improperly or wrongfully in any way. Defendants nevertheless recognize the expense and time that would be required to defend the Litigation through trial and have taken this into account in agreeing to this Settlement.

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  5. Am I part of the Settlement?

    You are a Settlement Class Member if you are a Person (as defined below) in the United States, its territories, and/or the District of Columbia who purchased, for personal use and not for resale, any Covered Product on or before April 27, 2022. The fairlife and FOF milk “Covered Products” included in the Settlement include the products listed here.

    “Person” is defined as an individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, member, joint stock company, estate, legal representative, trust, unincorporated association, any business or legal entity, and such individual’s or entity’s spouse, heirs, predecessors, successors, representatives, and assignees.

    Excluded from the Settlement are:

    • Defendants and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, members, employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and their family members;
    • Class Counsel;
    • The judges who have presided over the Litigation;
    • Local, municipal, state, and federal governmental agencies; and
    • All persons who have timely opted out from the Settlement Class in compliance with the Court’s Orders.

    If you are unsure whether you are included, you can call or email the Claims Administrator at 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free) or info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com. Epiq Class Action and Claims Solutions, Inc. is the Claims Administrator for the Settlement.

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  6. What are the Covered Products?

    The “Covered Products” are all fairlife Milk Products and all FOF Milk Products eligible to be claimed on in this Settlement. Please visit the "Covered Products" page of this website for the detailed list.

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  7. What does the Settlement provide?

    The $21 million Settlement Amount will provide Cash Awards to Settlement Class Members who submit valid claims. Settlement Class Notice and Administrative Costs, Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, and Service Awards to the Named Plaintiffs will also be paid out of the Settlement Amount, if approved by the Court.

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  8. What can I get from the Settlement?

    Cash Award: If you submit a valid Claim Form, you may receive 25% of the average retail purchase price for your purchase of fairlife Milk Products and/or FOF Milk Products (click here for a list of Covered Products) for a maximum Cash Award of $100 per household, subject to certain capped limits and adjustments (upward or downward) depending on the number of claims filed, so long as the products were purchased for personal use and not for resale and were purchased on or before April 27, 2022.

    • Claims without Valid Proof of Purchase: Claimants who submit a Claim Form without Valid Proof of Purchase may be eligible to receive a maximum of $20 as a Cash Award.
    • Claims with Valid Proof of Purchase: Claimants who submit a Claim Form with Valid Proof of Purchase may be eligible to receive a maximum of $80 as a Cash Award.
    • Claims with AND without Valid Proof of Purchase: Claim Forms submitted with and without Valid Proof of Purchase are allowed, and claimants who submit such Claim Forms may be eligible to receive a maximum of $100 as a Cash Award. Note: if you submit Valid Proof of Purchase for all claims, you are still eligible to receive a maximum of $100 as a Cash Award.

    Valid Proof of Purchase" means verifiable documentation of a transaction that reflects the purchase of one or more Covered Products on or before April 27, 2022. Examples may include but are not limited to store receipts, milk bottles, or any other contemporaneous record of purchase that is objectively verifiable.

    Claims are limited to one Claim Form per household.

    If the total amount of Cash Awards exceed the amount available in the Settlement Fund, then each Cash Award will be proportionately reduced on a pro rata basis (equal share) to exhaust the Settlement Fund.

    If any funds remain in the Settlement Fund after all Cash Awards are made, Settlement Class Members will be entitled to certain additional pro rata (equal share) distributions. After that, subject to the Court’s approval, any amount remaining in the Settlement Fund will be donated equally to the U.S. Dairy Education & Training Consortium and The Center for Food Safety.

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  9. How can I get my Cash Award?

    If you are a Settlement Class Member, you must fill out and submit a Claim Form to qualify for a Cash Award. You can file your Claim online here. You can also download a paper Claim Form from by clicking here or get one by calling the Claims Administrator at 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free). Claim Forms must be submitted either online or by mail at the address below, postmarked by December 27, 2022.

    In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation
    P.O. Box 5569
    Portland, OR 97208–5569

    Upon receiving a completed Claim Form, the Claims Administrator will review the Claim Form and any supporting documentation (as applicable) and confirm or deny your eligibility for a Cash Award.

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  10. When will I receive my Cash Award?

    The Court held a hearing on September 28, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. The Court granted final approval to the Settlement. Please utilize this website for updates as to timing. Claims processing will not begin until after the filing deadline passes on December 27, 2022, and distribution is not anticipated until mid-2023. Please be patient.

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  11. What am I giving up to receive these Settlement benefits?

    Unless you exclude yourself (“Opt Out”) from the Settlement Class by timely submitting an Opt Out from the Settlement Class, you will remain in the Settlement Class, and that means you cannot sue, continue to sue or be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants about the legal issues in this case. It also means that all of the Court’s orders will apply to you and legally bind you. If you sign the Claim Form, you will agree to a Release of claims that describes exactly the legal claims that you give up if you get Settlement benefits. The Release is defined and detailed in the Settlement Agreement.

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  12. Do I have lawyers in this case?

    The Court has appointed attorneys from the law firms DiCello Levitt Gutzler LLC; Pearson, Simon, & Warshaw, LLP; and Reese LLP to represent you and the other Settlement Class Members. The lawyers are called Class Counsel. They are experienced in handling similar class action cases. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense.

    Amy E. Keller
    DiCello Levitt Gutzler LLC
    Ten North Dearborn St., Sixth Fl.
    Chicago, IL 60602
    phone 1-312-214-7900
    email akeller@dicellolevitt.com
    Melissa S. Weiner
    Pearson, Simon & Warshaw, LLP
    328 Barry Avenue S
    Suite 200
    Wayzata, MN 55391
    phone 1-612-389-0600
    email mweiner@pswlaw.com
    Michael R. Reese
    Reese LLP
    100 West 93rd Street, 16th Fl.
    New York, NY 10025
    phone 1-212-643-0500
    email mreese@reesellp.com

    You may contact Class Counsel if you have any questions about this website, the Notice or the Settlement. Please do not contact the Court.

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  13. How will the lawyers be paid?

    Class Counsel will ask the Court for an award of attorneys’ fees up to one-third (1/3) ($7 million) of the $21 million Settlement Amount, and in addition to fees, seek reimbursement of litigation costs plus reasonable costs incurred through the Effective Date. Any award of Attorneys’ Fees and Costs will be paid from the Settlement Amount. Class Counsel will also ask the Court for Service Awards of $3,500 for each of the Named Plaintiffs. The purpose of the Service Awards is to compensate the Named Plaintiffs for their time, efforts, and risks taken on behalf of the Settlement Class. Any Service Award payment to the Named Plaintiffs will be paid from the Settlement Amount. The Court may award less than these amounts. Class Counsel’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses will be available on this website once it has been filed.

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  14. How do I get out of the Settlement?

    The deadline to opt out of the Settlement has passed. In order to opt-out of the Settlement, you needed to send a written Opt-Out by mail postmarked by August 25, 2022 or submit an Opt-Out online by or on August 25, 2022.

    If you did not follow these procedures and deadlines, you remain a Settlement Class Member. This means that your rights will be determined in this lawsuit by the Settlement Agreement if it receives final approval from the Court.

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  15. If I opted out, can I get anything from this Settlement?

    No. If you opted out, you cannot receive a Cash Award. However, you may sue, continue to sue, or be part of a different lawsuit against the Defendants. If you sent in an Opt-Out, but have since changed your mind, you may rescind your Opt-Out by timely submitting a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator to obtain benefits of the Settlement.

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  16. How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?

    The deadline to object to the Settlement has passed. In order to object to the Settlement, you needed to file a written objection with the Court or mail it to the Court postmarked by August 25, 2022.

    If you filed a timely objection, it will be considered by the Court at the Fairness Hearing. You do not need to attend the Fairness Hearing for the Court to consider your objection.

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  17. What is the difference between objecting and opting out?

    Objecting is simply telling the Court that you do not like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Opting out is telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you opt out, you have no basis to object because you are no longer part of the case.

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  18. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?

    The Court held a Fairness Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on September 28, 2022. The Court granted final approval to the Settlement.

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  19. Do I have to attend the Fairness Hearing?

    No. Class Counsel will answer all questions the Judge may have. However, you are welcome to attend the hearing at your own expense. If you submit an objection, you do not have to attend the hearing to talk about your objection. As long as you postmarked or filed your written objection by August 25, 2022, per the instructions in FAQ 16, the Judge will consider it. You may also pay your own lawyer to attend at your own expense, but it is not necessary. The Fairness Hearing will take place in-person and remotely. Instructions on how to attend the hearing remotely, including the login information, will be posted on this website closer to the hearing date.

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  20. May I speak at the Fairness Hearing?

    If you wish to appear at the Fairness Hearing and orally present your objection to the Court, your written objection must include your statement of intent to appear at the Fairness Hearing. The Fairness Hearing will take place in-person and remotely. Instructions on how to attend the hearing remotely, including the login information, will be posted on this website closer to the hearing.

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  21. What happens if I do nothing at all?

    If you fit the Settlement Class definition as described in FAQ 5 and do nothing, you will be part of the Settlement Class, but you will not get a Cash Award from the Settlement. Unless you opt out of the Settlement, you will not be permitted to continue to assert claims about the issues in this case or subject to the Release in any other lawsuit against Defendants ever again.

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  22. How can I update my contact information?

    If, after you submit a Claim Form, you change your postal or email address, it is your responsibility to inform the Claims Administrator of your updated information. To update or change your address, please either call 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free), or send a letter signed by you that includes your former and current mailing addresses. Then, send the letter to the following address:

    In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation
    P.O. Box 5569
    Portland, OR 97228–5569

    If applicable, please provide your Confirmation Code from your online Claim Form. Please note that updates provided to the Claims Administrator will only update our database which relates to communications and mailings in conjunction with this Settlement.

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  23. I received an email from EpiqPay. What is the email about and is the email legitimate?

    If you received an email from noreply@epiqpay.com, it is because you were determined to be eligible for a payment in a class action settlement titled In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation. By default, individuals eligible for payments will receive a prepayment notification email a few days before they receive an email containing a link to claim their payment. This is normal. If you claim a payment, you will also receive one or more follow up emails from our payment partner, Tremendous, confirming where in the process your payment is. If you do not immediately claim your payment, you may also receive one or more reminder emails.

    If you have any questions about the EpiqPay email you received, please email us at info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com or call 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free) and provide us with your full name and current email address so we can look up your file. If a tracking number was listed at the bottom of your EpiqPay emails, please provide to us that as well.

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  24. What is EpiqPay?

    EpiqPay is the official digital payment platform for Epiq Class Action and Claims Solutions. EpiqPay offers individuals who are eligible to receive payments in mass actions an easy, convenient, fast, and secure way to claim their payments. General information about EpiqPay is available at https://www.epiqglobal.com/en-us/technologies/epiq-pay, and case-specific information about the payment notification you may have recently received is available on this website.

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  25. Why did I receive a digital payment in In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation?

    According to our records, you are a class member eligible to receive a settlement payment in In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation, and you filed a claim wherein you elected to receive your payment digitally. You are being sent your payment digitally based on a selection you made when submitting your claim.

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  26. How did you get my information?

    According to our records, you are a class member eligible to receive a settlement payment in In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation, and you filed a claim wherein you elected to receive your payment digitally. The email address you received your payment notification at, as well as the name listed in your emails, is based on information we received as part of a complete and approved claim submission.

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  27. How do I claim my EpiqPay payment?

    Claiming your EpiqPay payment is simple and easy. All EpiqPay payment and reminder emails contain a ‘Claim Payment’ link. As long as you click the ‘Claim Payment’ link before the payment expiry date listed in your email, the link will take you to a payment dashboard where you can choose your preferred method of payment. Then click your preferred payment method. Depending on the method of payment you choose, you may be asked to confirm your selection or provide one or two pieces of information so your payment can be processed. After that, you will receive a small number of interim notifications from our payment partner rewards@tremendous.com letting you know your payment is ‘in process’, and eventually you will receive a link to your payment card, if you chose that as your option. Contact information for our payment partner is available on these notifications, in case you experience any issues using your card.

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  28. When will I receive my digital payment? / Why have I not received my digital payment?

    Emails regarding the initial round of digital payments for this matter commenced on September 18, 2023, and digital payments will be available to claim through November 18, 2023. Emails regarding the second (final) round of payments will commence on May 28, 2024, and digital payments will be available to claim through August 26, 2024. During that window, Epiq digital payment emails were or will be sent from noreply@Epiqpay.com, so please review your inbox for messages from that email address. Due to variability in individual recipient email account SPAM and junk security settings, users are encouraged to review their junk and SPAM folders in case the digital payment emails went to those locations.

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  29. After choosing my preferred payment options, will I receive my payment instantly / immediately?

    No. Digital payments are processed quickly, but once a user selects their preferred payment option, it typically takes 2-5 business days for the value of the award to reach end user cards or accounts. Upon making your selection, you will start to receive a series of emails from EpiqPay and our digital payment partners, which will keep you apprised of the progress of your payment.

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  30. I received an email from EpiqPay via Tremendous rewards@reward.tremendous.com. Is this email legitimate?

    If you received an email from rewards@reward.tremendous.com, this email is legitimate. You received this email as you selected a payment option that uses Tremendous, one of our third-party payment partners, to process your payment and notify you of your payment status.

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  31. If I have already opted to receive my payment digitally, can I convert my payment into a physical check?

    No. Once you have made your choice to redeem your payment digitally, Epiq can no longer convert your payment into a check. If you are having any issues receiving or using your chosen digital payment, please contact our payment partner at help@tremendous.com.

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  32. What if I filed my claim online, but I want to receive a check instead of a digital payment?

    If you would prefer to receive a paper check instead of a digital payment, please email info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com. If you request a paper check, your digital payment link will be marked as Inactive, and you will not be able to claim your payment digitally.

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  33. After receiving my EpiqPay email, I asked to receive a paper check. When will my check arrive?

    Those who have submitted a timely request for a paper check will generally receive a physical check 4-6 weeks after making their selection. Please be patient while we process your request. Processing and postal delivery times for checks may vary.

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  34. What happens if I unsubscribed from EpiqPay emails?

    If you unsubscribe from any of the payment emails you receive on this matter, you will no longer be able to claim your payment digitally. If you unsubscribed from receiving digital payment notifications from EpiqPay, you will receive a paper check in the mail. Please email info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com if you have had an address change. Please note that this process will take several weeks to complete.

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  35. I have not received my EpiqPay link yet. Can you resend the email?

    Please check all folders of your email inbox, including the Spam folder. If you still are unable to find it, please email info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com with a request to have the EpiqPay email resent to the address you filed a claim with. Please allow 1-3 business days to receive the email.

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  36. How do I get more information?

    This website and the Notice summarize the proposed Settlement. For the precise terms and conditions of the Settlement, please see the Settlement Agreement, which can be found along with other court documents on the Documents page. If you have questions about the Settlement, you can contact the Claims Administrator by calling 1-855-604-1865 (Toll-Free), emailing info@fairlifeMilkSettlement.com or to In re fairlife Milk Products Litigation, P.O. Box 5569, Portland, OR 97228-5569. You may also Class Counsel via contact information listed in FAQ 12.

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